Monday 24 July 2017

Plagued With Bad Luck

Last weekend we had a much needed trip up the canal to Pollington, mooring low side.  
Ever since our return from Wells in June we have been plagued with bad luck. The night we returned from Wells, Peter had his works van broken into on our driveway at home, with matters made even worse by a very aggressive neighbour. The following weekends were used to make security improvements at home, however once these had been implemented Peter suffered a bad ankle sprain at work which has prevented us from using Moonshine over the last three weeks. 
During the trip to Wells we noticed the starboard alternator was overcharging. This was removed on our return to Goole and very promptly repaired by Auto Generators Wakefield, and fortunately refitted the day prior to Peters injury. 
We are all ready for the start of our two and a half weeks holiday next weekend, but we needed to test the alternator was working correctly, hence the trip to Pollington. 
Fingers crossed for good weather and no breakdowns, and with Moonshine now sporting some new wheelhouse carpet she is all set to go. 

'Speedwell' waiting for a weather window to tow a houseboat conversion (completed in Goole over the winter) down south.

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