Tuesday 1 August 2017

Being Indecisive!

Day 1&2.  Goole to Hull

After booking in with Goole Docks with our timings for penning out on Saturday morning, we had to quickly sort ourselves out as five other boats were waiting at Ocean Lock very early on the tide. Since the Dock Master wanted his logged in pleasure craft in one pen, I had to quickly throw my clothes on and with unclean teeth assist with the ropes.... not a good start to the holiday!
As the weather was looking unsettled for the next few days we decided spending two nights in Hull was a much better option before hopping across to Grimsby where the kids were concerned.
 At this stage things are still looking unsettled at sea the further down the coast you go, and we are a bit indecisive deciding whether to miss Wells out at the start of the holidays as the webcam photos show boats rafted three deep (it is not easy to get three dogs off several times a day),  or should we head straight to Lowestoft when the weather looks more clement.
Logged 27.1 nautical miles.

Day 3.  Hull to Grimsby

We waited until high water Hull to depart to give us wind with tide conditions for a smoother ride to Grimsby. It was very lumpy blowing sw 4-5 until we reached the Lee of the Lincolnshire bank where it was considerably smoother. When we got to Clay Huts we thought we were were cutting it fine to get in on the level at Grimsby traveling at displacement speed, so we planed down to Grimsby at 22 knots and were surprised to see the lock gates shut 15 minutes before the end of the level. When we penned in the Dock Master informed us he had shut the gates to retain the level as a large vessel had been pulled out on the slip and as it was only neap tides this enabled them to get the vessel out, however he told us he would not charge us the £10 fee as we were there in plenty of time. Forever on Seawings watch we noticed 'Odin' from Farndon a newer 355 was visiting Grimsby, however he was also waiting for the weather to head south. As the weather is looking good tomorrow we intend on moving off to Lowestoft. 
Logged 15.6 nautical miles.

Day 4.  Grimsby to Whitby!

Whilst in Grimsby waiting for the level for us to depart, the wind whipped up more than what had been originally forecast. After checking the weather reports and forecasts again it was looking quite rough off Skegness and The Wash, however we needed to make a decision to leave today or potentially be stuck in Grimsby until the weekend. Since the wind was sw 4-5 we decided we had to move today. So at the eleventh hour literally (as we were leaving at 11.30am) we decided to scrap our ideas of heading south and made an about turn and head north as the sea conditions were much more favourable. It was calm in the Humber, lumpy off Spurn and calmish off the Holderness coast, then a large thunderstorm hit off Flamborough Head where it chewed the sea up a bit and we lost visibility due to the heavy rain...we always know when it has been rough as the toilet brush and the alarm clock go AWOL, which they didn't today! 
When we turned to head up the coast past Flamborough conditions improved significantly and we had a very enjoyable run to Whitby. 
Originally we all saw this change of plan as a major disappointment, however since only Peter has been this way on our previous boat back in 2012 whilst I port hopped in the car, we can cast aside the disappointment and say we have all done it, as it is very pleasant up North plus you get shelter travelling close in to land. As ever we are waiting for the next few days of weather to pass before heading further up the coast as we still have another two weeks. We are finally on holiday and now very much looking forward to this trip. 
Logged 85.4 nautical miles.


  1. We loved Whitby. Not been for a while now and we won't be going again next year as we have decided to head to the Thames for our summer holiday.

    How far up the coast are you heading?

    1. We would certainly like to reach Amble and possibly if weather ok do Eyemouth as Martyn recommended, just to say we had been to Scotland as we have never been before. x

  2. Yes. We attempted Eyemouth a few years back but ended up stuck in North Shields for three days due to rough weather.
