Monday 21 August 2017

Odd Weekend

Since Saturday was a write off where work was concerned this weekend, and Peter had Monday off we started our weekend on Moonshine on Sunday.  
Our kids are still on their schools holidays, and with one old enough to stay at home and just about to start University and the other also old enough but carted off to her friend, this would not be a wasted opportunity!  Once we had loaded our belongings onto Moonshine we made our way up to Pollington mooring as usual bottom side of the lock, it felt odd as other craft were departing we were this what retirement feels like?
We spent a lazy Sunday afternoon reproofing the canopy seams, and of course a full 50 minute circuit of Pollington village to walk the legs off the dogs. 
We have also sorted all our recent holiday snaps which is a laborious task, and these are now on Facebook and are public if anyone wants to troll through them here is the link (I hope it works) ...
We are now looking forward to next weekend where we will head for Hull Marina yet's not bad to say we are back off holiday that the pesky weather has now calmed down.!

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