Tuesday 13 August 2019

Making A Run For It

Day 13. Ipswich to Lowestoft

We are now into our our final week, and slowly making our way back up north. Due to today's forecast wind later in the day ,we had an early 7am start to get to Lowestoft. After penning through Ipswich Lock, we had a steady run down the River Orwell at 6 knots with the ebb and then went up onto the plane at Harwich Breakwater. Conditions were quite lumpy in Hollesley Bay and off Lowestoft, and we were glad to finally arrive at the Royal Norfolk and Suffolk Yacht Club. The winds got up a lot stronger than forecast, and there were some rather impressive waves rolling into the harbour entrance, making navigation difficult/arduous for several yachts entering the harbour. However 'Kingfisher' ABP's brand new pilot boat made very light work of it.
The forecast for the week ahead doesn't look clever at all with yet more wind forecast.
Logged 52.5 Nautical miles

Day 14&15. Lowestoft

We are now itching to get moving again, and as much as we like Lowestoft, we need to make progress towards the Humber before the next batch of bad weather hits. If we don't make that move tomorrow, there will be no alternative but for us to leave Moonshine down here, and for us to return home until the weather abates.

Day 16. Lowestoft to Wells to Grimsby

We departed Lowestoft at 7am with the intention of making Grimsby. We had a decent ish run to Winterton Ness, then as  we headed towards Cromer the sea conditions really chopped up with wind against tide making those pesky crab pots very hard to see and making for an uncomfortable ride. Despite this we still managed to stay on the plane, and decided we would head into Wells for a few nights and considered it was the best thing to do for our dogs. Once moored in Wells Harbour we had lunch and a rest, but more importantly this gave us time to contemplate the forthcoming bad weather forecast and possible sea conditions and the possibility of becoming weather bound in Wells (this happened to us a few years ago, and we swore it would never happen again as it is such an awkward place to get to, and with fast running tide and other boats manoeuvring not carefully!).  Natalie wanted to stay due to the previous bit of a battering, and the weather was beautiful once in the harbour, so it would have been so easy to ensconce ourselves there. However, one of our friends on 'Serenity' had just departed Wells after our arrival, to head north, and said sea conditions were more reasonable...this spurred us on to make a run for it and to cover that final sea leg back to Grimsby, whilst keeping close to Skegness to get a smoother ride. It is safe to say that the Wells to Grimsby trip was by far the best this holiday...not flat calm, but NOT choppy, but most certainly a decision well made! We are now safe and sound and back on home territory. 
Photo courtesy of Henry Young Master of Putford Harvester. Moonshine just departed Lowestoft.

Logged 117.2 Nautical Miles

Day 17,18&19. Grimsby

We have spent a few days in a very windy Grimsby recovering our land legs yet again. We are so glad we made the right call by leaving Wells the other day. Once Sunday day 19 arrived (Peter's final day off work), it became pretty apparent we would be stuck here for yet another day. Monday looks a lot calmer, so it looks like Peter will have to call work to advise of our situation. We are all looking forward to getting back home now, as there is only so much you can do in Grimsby whilst waiting for that all important weather window.

Day 20. Grimsby to Goole

The weather was a lot calmer today to get back to Goole on the pm tide, or so we thought! The morning was spent with the mammoth task of packing up. As soon as the lock gates were open we departed the moorings at Grimsby. We went slow at first as there were some pretty big troughs off Immingham despite the neap tides as there was still a fair bit of wind against tide. As soon as we reached Sand End LF the river calmed off, and we then had a very fast run back up to Goole. Once we reached our mooring at Goole Boathouse we had to tidy all the carnage up in the front cabin, as all the previously neatly packed belongings had spilled out from their bags. 
Logged 34.9 Nautical miles

The last two and a half weeks have passed very quickly. Moonshine, as ever, has run exceptionally well despite a weak port turbo which will be replaced within the very near future, along with the need to replace Moonshine's tender. We have certainly covered some ground this holiday, visiting Lincolnshire, Norfolk, Suffolk, Kent, Essex and finally home to East Yorkshire in some quite choppy seas which were far from pleasant at times....at least we will be able to reminisce about our experiences like old sea dogs.
Planning ahead to next year already, we have decided on a sedate coastal holiday that we can ALL enjoy without rushing from port to port, with our no 1 destination being Wells and actually being able to enjoy our stay next time for a longer period. Once in Wells the wind can do what the hell it likes!
Total Logged 548.2 Nautical miles

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