Tuesday 27 August 2019

Record Breaker

Upon returning from holiday the other week, myself and and the girls had had enough of tidal work to last us a lifetime due to the wind causing lumpy conditions during most passages (not Peter it seems to be bred into his blood!). We were all set to have a sedate bank holiday weekend up the canal, however now that the winds had died down we really couldn't miss out on the opportunity to visit Hull again.
Hull Marina are still having issues with their outer lock gates, and are only penning 3 locks, 2 hours before, high water, and 2 hours after. It is always prudent to phone ahead, but they are still welcoming visitors to the marina, however upon arrival we had to lay on their waiting wall within the outer basin.

This weekend we had an extra furry crew member...my mum's elderly Yorkshire Terrier who will be 13 next month. She was exceptionally relaxed and well behaved during the trip, unlike our own dogs which at this rate may very well need pacemakers fitting within the next few years!

After lots of shopping and not many dog walks due to this weekends record breaking August bank holiday temperatures, we departed a very full Hull Marina lock on the earliest pen, as the lock keeper was trying to limit the amount of gate operations. 

We traveled at displacement speed until Reeds Island waiting for another Goole boat (Mijo) which was in the following lock pen to catch up with us. By mutual agreement we both decided to plane up to Goole as there were three ships inbound for Goole, and we didn't want to be left waiting for Ocean Lock to deal with the commercial traffic prior to us.

It's been a fabulous weekend, however next weekend Moonshine needs her port turbo tending to. Here's hoping for cooler weather more appropriate to working in the engine room.

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