Monday 4 November 2019

Proper Boating!

So the half term holiday started off rather damp to say the least, with more than 24 hours of rain from the Friday well into Saturday. We had pre booked with Goole Docks, giving them at least the required 24 hours  notice of our departure time for 4pm Saturday for Hull, however when calling them up on the vhf, they informed us that due to traffic we wouldn't be penning out until at least 5pm. All pleasure craft local to Goole Docks know the protocol, that commercial traffic takes priority, however it was at least half an hour after our vhf call that commercial traffic contacted Ocean Lock to make a move. This was very frustrating, due to daylight hours now drawing in, however we just made it into Hull Marina after a fast run, due to the fast failing light, by the 'skin of our teeth'.
It is awkward at Hull at the moment due to their restricted lock operations, due to faulty outer gates. The lock is closing 18th November for 4/6 weeks for repairs, and 'hope' to be operational again for Christmas.
We had a good two days here on the visitor pontoon, before heading back to Goole on the very early am tide, as Peter had to be back to attend a family funeral for Wednesday.

On Thursday morning we returned back to Goole and loaded Moonshine up once again for her trip to Doncaster. It has been at least 7 years since we last headed inland to Doncaster, and thought this would make a nice change to finish the week off. On entering the New Junction, we caught up with Aquarius from South Yorkshire Boat Club, and together we made light work of working the bridges between us.

We parted ways with Aquarius at Barnby Dun, and continued onwards obtaining a good mooring on the Doncaster town visitor moorings after approximately four hours underway.

Since Doncaster wasn't brilliant for exercising the dogs, we headed back downstream to Barnby Dun just after lunch on Friday where dog walking terrain was much better, and fish and chips from the local chippy. Whilst waiting for Peter to be served, I was salivating at the window of the local Chinese takeaway.....maybe next time.

On Saturday the rain was set to return later in the morning, although you wouldn't have thought so whilst walking the dogs in glorious sunshine. We thought it would be best to get a wriggle on and move off to Sykehouse before the forecast heavy rain hit. We departed Barnby Dun around 10.30am, with Helen operating the road bridge. Aquarius had now caught up with us as he had come from Doncaster, however an opportunistic narrowboat whom had been moored on the downstream side of the bridge whistled motioning the fact he wanted to come through also, which wasn't a problem, however he advised another narrowboat was also wanting to come through and that they had cast off and would be quick. Well I am not sure of what their idea of being quick is when you have loads of traffic waiting at that very busy bridge. The bridge had been closed by the time that narrowboat had started to move off the mooring, and unfortunately the owner didn't look very happy. Some people seem to live in their own little world, having no regard for others. Unfortunately your damned if you do and damned if you don't in situations like that, and run the risk of being abused by motorists.
Anyway, after ranting about that incident between ourselves, we kept pace with Aquarius once again working the bridges between ourselves. By the time we arrived at a manned Sykehouse Lock, it was raining quite's not pleasant but this is proper boating!
We spent a rather wet night at Sykehouse Lift Bridge, however that didn't seem to stop the firework displays in the village.
Sunday morning brought with it the sunshine which burnt the low mist away, and after a lie in and leisurely dog walk to Sykehouse Lock and back, we were soon underway returning back to base at Goole Boathouse by lunchtime.

We have had a nice week away, with both the combination of tidal and inland work, but it will be back to the 'grind stone' over the next few weeks due to work commitments in the lead up to Christmas. The port injectors are coming out this Monday for refurbishment, and if needs be the starboard injectors at a slightly later date....fingers crossed this doesn't turn into an overly expensive job.


  1. HI
    I have just purchased a 355. I have followed with interest your blog on Moonshine and all the work you have completed.
    My boat a 355 just like yours was once called IBIS and note you have seen her long time ago in Essex yard for sale.
    She is now called Fox C111 soon to be renamed. Her new home berth is in Conwy North Wales. my contact is
    I am currently working on her after re-launch and firberglass work and lots of other work is now in progress. They are a great boat with only 20 built Hardy.
    I have now tracked down her full history. I continue to read your blog and i am working my way through the years.
    Very best wishes

    1. That's great news, another enthusiast! We modelled our cockpit upholstery on looked fab and very modern. We don't blog every week, but only when we have something to report. We are currently refurbishing our port engine injectors, and will blog again on progress when the job is complete....fingers crossed.
