Monday 9 November 2015

Boys and their toys.

This weekend we took Moonshine for a short run up a very wind swept cut to the New Junction where we had a pleasant overnight stay. Upon arrival there were quite a few narrow boats moored there, but there was still plenty of mooring for us.

Peter has been wanting to purchase a camera system to install in Moonshine's engine room for a while now. Whilst I initially thought this would be another gadget to potentially clutter the dash with, I can see the advantage of being able to monitor the engine room particularly whilst at sea on long journeys to check belt damage, leaks etc. Therefore, we purchased a twin reversing camera kit aimed at buses and trucks with a 7" LCD monitor. This was tested at home to ensure it worked ok, and we are pondering now where to position the display, which can be either flush or bracket mounted. 

We have also had a bit of a tidy up this weekend, going through both the bathroom and food cupboards taking home items which are rarely used and soon to be out of date food which can be consumed this week at home. Not sure if Scout was a help or hindrance in this matter, however the tin of Pek went down very well in a sandwich for lunch.  We have always found a round tin of Pek to be rather useful should the need arise for blanking off a 4" exhaust to stop water ingress when a turbo has been removed from the engine with the boat afloat, as was our experience one year with Luro, how we love to improvise...


  1. Now that camera is a good idea.

    Where are you mounting the second camera or are they both going in the engine bay?

    1. Peter wants a visual on each engine, however with this kit you can only have one camera displayed on the monitor at a time, then have to switch to the other camera. Don't think he realised until we received it through the post as to how they would work as the listing on ebay didn't explain properly how it would work, as he thought he may be able to have them on a split screen. Nevermind, it should still work well in practice, however Andy Manson from sybc (he is also on Martyn's group) works for and can possibly get better quality kit at good prices, unfortunately we always forget to ask him...

    2. I should add he has stated he can obtain these for people in both marina's and boat clubs at heavily discounted prices, but how heavily discount is another question.
