Sunday 7 September 2014

South Yorkshire Boat Club Open Weekend 2014

Drizzly start
Moonshine set off from her mooring at Goole Boathouse on Friday evening to make the 2 hour journey along the Aire and Calder Navigation to visit the annual Open Weekend event held at SYBC.
Upon arriving in the basin there was a bit of confusion as to where we should moor, however the Commodore quickly directed us to a vacant mooring on the south side of the basin very close to the club house. Peter moored her stern to, as the length of their moorings do not lend themselves to the length of Moonshine with access at her stern. We had approx 6 inch to spare on the beam, and with not a lot across the width of the basin it was a tight squeeze, however once moored up we were very pleased with the mooring provided, even though we had at this point grounded.
After sorting her mooring lines and sorting ourselves out, we all piled into the clubhouse to enjoy the evening ahead and to reacquaint ourselves with members/friends we haven't seen for a good while including the Commodore of Lincoln Boat Club and his family.
Saturday morning started off drizzly and the rain progressively worsened throughout the day, which was rather unfortunate due to the fact that there were a lot of outside stalls and attractions, and considering the fact that it is the members themselves that put in a lot of hard work into organizing the events to provide visitors with a good day out, this was a huge shame as undoubtedly this would have an effect on  visitor numbers and takings this year.

Turning to heavier rain
However, no one appeared to let the rain beat them, as the umbrellas and rain coats were in full flow, and as most of the stalls were under cover of tents or gazebos stock and visitors could stay relatively dry.

One of the stalls we visited was a boat bits stall, and Peter managed to purchase a plastic water deck filler cap for £4. He wanted this just for its black plastic cap to replace for the damaged one on Moonshine's holding tank pump out.

Peter's sister and family visited us as it was the first time they had seen Moonshine...and I think they liked her. We also met up with two very good friends of ours who we hadn't seen in a long time. It was very good to catch up as they have been a big part of our club and boating life over the last 2 or 3 years.

After having a BBQ for our Saturday evening meal at our mooring, we once again went to the club house for drinks and to socialize with other friends who had not been in the previous night.

Outward view of basin

Rain, rain go away

 Sunday, sunshine at last

 Sunday morning brought us a much better day.
We got up early so Peter could complete work on his cockpit blue LED lighting project. After a couple of hours work this was completed so we will see how effective these are next week when it is dark.
 Sunday also brought us Natalie's 13th birthday. I am sure she enjoyed it as she had her best friend Immogene stay with us, along with getting her birthday presents early (on the Friday). She was particularly pleased with her Iphone and the fact I had previously purchased a dual SIM card cutter to cut her standard SIM down to a micro size, I still had to re trim with scissors, but she is very pleased with the end result. 

I also forgot about the traditional Flag Officers Sherry morning. In the olden days myself and my sister used to grab a few sherries at this event at 11am and then converge back to either boats for more...a LOT more, but unfortunately those days are long gone as I am off sherry and brandy for good!

Beautiful sunny morning

After such a great weekend, but no thanks to Saturday's weather, it was time to depart for Goole. It was a bit sad leaving the club, after we had been made so welcome again by some members. But at 2.35pm the decision was made to depart prior to the duck race, as we didn't want a telling off for leaving just as they had set them free.

After returning to Goole and getting safely moored back in her berth, all the necessary safety checks were done to make sure Moonshine was safe to leave for the week ahead.

Next weekend we hope to have yet another BBQ, destination Sykehouse Road Bridge for a change....not far, but as long as we are enjoying Moonshine whilst the weather is good is all that matters, and it will also be a test for the new domestic batteries and those blue LED lights.

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